In the heart of Mānoa, nestled among lush greenery, sits Mid-Pacific, a school with a unique setting and a rich history. For Kevin Loo-Chan, a proud alumnus of the class of 2009, this school holds a special place in his heart. Today, he serves as a project architect and manager at G70, a firm dedicated to enhancing the school’s facilities. In this Alumni Spotlight, Kevin reflects on his journey from a Mid-Pacific student to a devoted professional reconnecting with his alma mater through his work.
After graduating from Mid-Pacific, Kevin pursued his passion for architecture by enrolling at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and later the University of Oregon. In 2015, he proudly earned his Bachelor of Architecture from the University of Oregon, marking the beginning of his professional journey.
Kevin’s time at Mid-Pacific was marked by deep and enduring connections with classmates. He fondly recalls the treasure trove of memories he shares with fellow alumni and cherishes the personal relationships he cultivated with nearly every classmate during his years at Mid-Pacific.
“Mid-Pacific really prepared me to be a worldly thinker,” says Kevin. “I learned how to think holistically towards problem solving and I also learned that the best solutions include everyone’s thoughts and ideas. It takes a full team effort to accomplish projects in my field and the best outcomes occur when everyone is invested toward achieving a common goal.”
Presently, Kevin’s role at G70 involves spearheading a multi-phase project at Mid-Pacific. This ambitious endeavor encompasses working on exciting capital projects including the new track and field. These improvements are poised to not only enhance the campus, but also provide students with exciting new opportunities.
“It has been one of the most rewarding projects of my career,” says Kevin. “I am not the person that I am today without Mid-Pacific. To be able to serve Mid-Pacific through my profession, it doesn’t get any better than that.”
Beyond his professional responsibilities, Kevin remains closely connected to Mid-Pacific. He actively participates in alumni golf tournaments, community engagement events, and recently served as a guest speaker at a parent and alumni leadership summit.
His advice to students: “Wherever you go and whatever you do in life, remember that we as students and alumni wear the badge of Mid-Pacific. Don’t forget where we come from and the foundation that Mid-Pacific has instilled within us.”
Looking ahead, Kevin’s aspirations remain focused on making a positive impact in his home state of Hawai‘i. His commitment to Mid-Pacific, combined with his passion for architecture, promises a bright future where the school’s unique setting continues to inspire generations of students and alumni.